Published 2020
Stealth Instrument Voltage Regulator Fix-Solid State V2.0
by Devo
Since selling the last of my converted Instrument Voltage Regulators V2.0, I've had a few requests to build more and/or give a "How To" for those that want to have their own. It is very simple and inexpensive to do with a few things and tools you can get off the internet. This is how I did it. First, use a pair of electrical cutters to peel back the metal tabs on the top and sides of the VR. Then just pull the circuit board with terminals off of the can. Next, turn the circuit board over and break off the long metal tab with the old regulator attached so that you are only left with what looks like rivets holding the terminals to the board. Take the 3 pin computer fan extension, strip the wires and solder the black wire to the "IGN" terminal rivet, the yellow wire to the remaining terminal rivet, and the red wire to an additional ring terminal that you can secure to the VR can, or solder to the VR can itself for the "ground." In my example, Black wire is 12V supply in. Yellow wire is 8V out. Red is ground. VERIFY this by using a Multi-meter on the new regulator so that you don't push it into the wire clip upside down getting the black and yellow wires backwards. Drill a small hole in the lower corner of the can. Slide the solid state regulator into the wire clip, ensuring you have the black and yellow wires in the correct orientation . Secure the regulator and ring terminal with red wire to the can case with a small screw. Grind the portion of the screw sticking out the back of the can. Reattach/re-secure the circuit board by bending the metal tabs back into position, and Viola!
The parts I purchased are similar to these:

Pin out schematic compliments of Curtis