VIN # vs Serial #

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VIN # vs Serial #

Post by cmaw »

I would like to know if these two numbers have anything in common. I am trying to figure out what my engine # on SRL311-12933 is. Is there an historical office at Nissan that might help me?
My car had been stolen. I have the ownership and have put a notice on the Ministry of Transportation portal here in Ontario. I have been looking at every SRL311 that i can find to see if my frame shows up, because that is the number on the ownership I have.
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Re: VIN # vs Serial #

Post by redroadster »

Serial number was the manuf. Supplied number to keep track of the vehicle.
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
A 17 digit number was a standardized way to I'd it ,tell the country of manuf. The first digit , 1 or N is US manuf. even if it's a Nissan ....J is Japanese manuf. And shipped over .important because of property taxes...
A roll of fender steel may be worth $1500
But stamp that into 250 quarter panels , Xs that by hundreds
One digit tells low or deluxe edition
One manual or auto trans
Last 8 is the count of production
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Re: VIN # vs Serial #

Post by Pjackb »

cmaw wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 4:04 pm I would like to know if these two numbers have anything in common. I am trying to figure out what my engine # on SRL311-12933 is. Is there an historical office at Nissan that might help me?
My car had been stolen. I have the ownership and have put a notice on the Ministry of Transportation portal here in Ontario. I have been looking at every SRL311 that i can find to see if my frame shows up, because that is the number on the ownership I have.
Craig Maw
Craig your post is a little confusing
Your vehicle has been stolen now or are you saying that you found out the car you bought is a stolen car?
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Re: VIN # vs Serial #

Post by theunz »

Confused here as well. However maybe this will help. SRL-12933 is a late 69 or early 70, therefore it will have a vin number plate on the left top corner of the dash and another on the cowl under the hood. The frame will be stamped on the top side and you can see it under the carburetor’s. You may have to clean it, as the stamping may be very light. The only place to find the engine number (which is on The passenger side of the block near the thermostat) Is on the plate under the hood. Finally, be aware that new blank cowl vin plates are available from several of our vendors.
Mike M

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Re: VIN # vs Serial #

Post by datsun1500 »

redroadster wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 6:36 pm Serial number was the manuf. Supplied number to keep track of the vehicle.
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
A 17 digit number was a standardized way to I'd it ,tell the country of manuf. The first digit , 1 or N is US manuf. even if it's a Nissan ....J is Japanese manuf. And shipped over .important because of property taxes...
A roll of fender steel may be worth $1500
But stamp that into 250 quarter panels , Xs that by hundreds
One digit tells low or deluxe edition
One manual or auto trans
Last 8 is the count of production
Only from 1982 onwards, so not relevant on our cars.
I remember when no one wanted the 1500s......
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Re: VIN # vs Serial #

Post by cmaw »

Thanks for the comments. My car had been stolen many years ago. I am still and will always look for it. I am trying to determine what the serial number for the engine is so i can continue my search. Sorry to be so confusing.
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Re: VIN # vs Serial #

Post by jhayden »

"U20 numbers are usually 400-500 numbers higher" (scroll down to Engine Numbers):
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Re: VIN # vs Serial #

Post by redroadster »

datsun1500 wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 7:18 pm
redroadster wrote: Wed Oct 21, 2020 6:36 pm Serial number was the manuf. Supplied number to keep track of the vehicle.
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
A 17 digit number was a standardized way to I'd it ,tell the country of manuf. The first digit , 1 or N is US manuf. even if it's a Nissan ....J is Japanese manuf. And shipped over .important because of property taxes...
A roll of fender steel may be worth $1500
But stamp that into 250 quarter panels , Xs that by hundreds
One digit tells low or deluxe edition
One manual or auto trans
Last 8 is the count of production
Only from 1982 onwards, so not relevant on our cars.
Yes we refered to them as full serial then , parts Dept did anyway
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Re: VIN # vs Serial #

Post by theunz »

The only record of your engine is going to be the cowl plate. Apparently Nissan didn’t keep as good of records as some auto companies did.
Mike M

Old enough to know better, too old to remember why!

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Re: VIN # vs Serial #

Post by cmaw »

Thanks to all.I have the information i need.