So you saw this little sports car flying down the road and thought to yourself that must be an MG or maybe an Austin Healey. Hum! DATSUN, no that cannot be, DATSUN never built a cool little car like that. Sure enough upon closer inspection, it is a 1600 Datsun Roadster. Coooool car.
Our intent is to make this site easy to use as well as informative. We try to keep the site updated as best I can. This site covers all models from the 1500s, 1600s and 2 liters. If anyone has any suggestions, please e-mail the webmaster at the address indicated below. Recommendations and suggestions are always welcome. And–if you find any errors, please let us know so we can fix them. I am sometimes fat fingered! Thanks!!
Most of all–enjoy the site. If you find this site and the forum, tech wiki, or registry useful you can support the effort by donating by contacting me at 67datroad@311s.org. I no longer use PayPal or Venmo. All donations are much appreciated.
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Page last updated May 17,2024

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