Graffiti Weekend in Modesto

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Would you be interested in displaying your car at the graffiti festival show next year????

Poll ended at Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:44 am

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Total votes: 4


Graffiti Weekend in Modesto

Post by gmagana »

For those of you who also enjoy Hot Rod's this weekend is the Graffiti Fest in Modesto. The "Graffiti Night cruising used to be very active in the 60's, 70's and 80's. In the late 80's the cruising was shut down due to disorderly conduct. The Graffiti night was made popular by a film titled American Graffiti by Modesto hometown native and graduate of Downey High School, George Lucas. He is also known for his Star Wars epic, but that's another thread. The movie led to a great tradition of cruising on the weekend after graduation. Unfortunately that ended due to overcrowding and fights. Mchenry ave in Modesto would be bumper to bumper traffic along its three miles in both directions. It also would be where all the locals would go and set up lawn chairs to see all the custom cars. Graffiti night is still alive in Modesto, it has now turned into an organized event hosted by the Kiwanis club.
For those nearby this car show is a treat, I was at a preliminary event on Wednesday night and there were well over 100 hot rods and classic cars. I will try to post some pictures later today of Wednesdays event.
Later, Gerardo
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