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Unsecure Connection Issue Over The Weekemd

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 8:57 am
by S Allen
I realize most folks do not care but for anyone interested read on. Over the weekend you were faced with a "this connection is not secure". You could have continued onto the site by clicking Advanced but that was not recommended. Several years back I implemented SSL Secure Socket Layer to provide a more secure website experience. Even though we do not sell anything here and do not require financial information such as credit cards, SSL is a good thing to implement. SSL makes it more difficult for the bad people to hack things such as passwords. There are many sites on the web that do not use SSL. Personally I stay away from them. When I implemented SSL several years ago I had my host provider install the SSL Certificate. The problem with that was they never let me know ahead of time the certificate was going to expire. When I realized it had expired Saturday I put an urgent ticket in to get a new SSL certificate installed. After two days I had a zero response. Generally they are pretty good about getting an issue resolved in at least 24 hours but it was Memorial Day weekend. Yesterday I decided to get my own certificate and install it on my server. I had done that before on other servers I have supported. There are many different variations of servers so one method does not work broadly. I got the parts I needed to install a new SSL certifcate-uploaded to the server and installed the files. Restarted the server and we were back in business. Going forward I will receive a notification that the SSL is going to expire so I can install a new certificate before it expires. It is always better to control as much as you can to keep the help desk tickets to a minimum. We should never have this problem again. Hope everyone had a great Memorial Weekend. I fondly remember all of the folks I served with.


Re: Unsecure Connection Issue Over The Weekemd

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 9:48 am
by spl310
I appreciate all that you do, and this information.

Re: Unsecure Connection Issue Over The Weekemd

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 11:57 am
by Bigtaku
I'm happy we are back to your wonderful site. Thanks for the time your put in to help us all

Re: Unsecure Connection Issue Over The Weekemd

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 12:52 pm
by Gregs672000
Thank you Steve... I almost had a heart attack (again) when I couldn't get on (you probably got an email from me!). Thanks for all you do, and for your service.

Re: Unsecure Connection Issue Over The Weekemd

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 4:43 pm
by TobyMan