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How to extract broken top-latch screws.

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 2:07 pm
by SLOroadster
Does anyone have any ideas on how to extract some broken screws from the top of a late model 2000 windsheild frame? Several of mine broke while I was trying to remove the softop/hardtop latches. I see no way at access them from inside or outside. Am I stuck using a drill and an easy-out? I can't drive my car with any sort of a top because the latches are all useless. Makes for a wet ride otherwise.

RE:Broken Bolts

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2002 9:57 pm
by S Allen
I hate it when that happens. EZOut is a piss poor name for those darn things. I have broken more EZOuts off than I can remember. They are usually made out of hardened steel that is harder to drill than the material the broken off bolt was made of. My suggestion is to take one of the other bolts you did not break off to a hardware store. Buy a tap the correct thread size and a couple of good drill bits the size recommended for the tap size. Carefully drill out the broken off bolts and retap them. EZOut my backside?#$%^*&^!!!! Maybe someone else has a better way but this has worked for me in the past. While you are at it retap the other bolt holes as well. Makes reassembly much easier. Good luck! :?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2002 12:41 pm
by browne
use a left hand drill bit. reverse threads. aval. on any tool truck. Snap On etc. many times the fastener will extract as you drill it. center punch first to keep your bit from walking. hope this helps.